Top "Cython" questions

Cython is a superset of the Python language for quickly generating Python C extensions.

Cython error: Undeclared name not built in:array

I am compiling this Cython code in Sage Cell Server and I get the following error. undeclared name not builtin: …

numpy cython sage
How do I use the numpy longdouble dtype?

I am trying to work with the np.longdouble dtype in my Python code, and am trying to use NumPy …

python numpy cython long-double
Numba code slower than pure python

I've been working on speeding up a resampling calculation for a particle filter. As python has many ways to speed …

python performance numpy cython numba
pickle cython class

I have to save and load a cython class instance. My cython class is this plus several methods: import numpy …

python class pickle cython reduce
extra_compile_args in Cython

I want to pass some extra options to the Cython compiler by using extra_compile_args. My from …

Building Cython-compiled python code with PyInstaller

I am trying to build a Python multi-file code with PyInstaller. For that I have compiled the code with Cython, …

python cython pyinstaller
Cython inline function with numpy array as parameter

Consider code like this: import numpy as np cimport numpy as np cdef inline inc(np.ndarray[np.int32_t] …

python performance numpy inline cython
setup_requires with Cython?

I'm creating a file for a project with some Cython extension modules. I've already gotten this to work: …

python build cython setuptools software-distribution
Cython & C++: passing by reference

I am a noob with Cython and C++, so I have a question on argument passing. I want to avoid …

python c++ reference pass-by-reference cython
call Cython function from C++

I have a C++ library that has a Python wrapper (written with SWIG). This library allows executing small user-defined code (…

c++ python callback cython