Top "Cython" questions

Cython is a superset of the Python language for quickly generating Python C extensions.

How to speed up pandas with cython (or numpy)

I am trying to use Cython to speed up a Pandas DataFrame computation which is relatively simple: iterating over each …

python numpy pandas cython
"error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat" when compiling Cython code

As suggested here, I have succesfully installed Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 to compile some Cython code, but: from …

python windows visual-c++ cython distutils
Cython: Buffer type mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'long'

I'm having trouble passing in this memoryview of integers into this (rather trivial) function. Python is giving me this error: …

python numpy cython memoryview
Pandas installation on Mac OS X: ImportError (cannot import name hashtable)

I would like to build pandas from source rather than use a package manager because I am interested in contributing. …

python hashtable pandas cython importerror
Definition of def, cdef and cpdef in cython

I'd like to know the difference between def, cdef and cpdef when I declare a function. The difference between def …

python declaration cython
Using setuptools to create a cython package calling an external C library

I am trying to compile, install and run a package that we'll call myPackage. It contains a *.pyx file that …

python cython setuptools distutils
Cython: Convert memory view to NumPy array

How to convert a typed memoryview to an NumPy array in cython? The docs have cimport numpy as np import …

python arrays numpy cython memoryview
Package only binary compiled .so files of a python library compiled with Cython

I have a package named mypack which inside has a module, and the For some reason …

python cython setuptools distutils
Passing and returning numpy arrays to C++ methods via Cython

There are lots of questions about using numpy in cython on this site, a particularly useful one being Simple wrapping …

python arrays numpy cython
What's the purpose of dictproxy?

The __dict__ of a type is a dictproxy object that is read only. I want to know what's the purpose …

python cython