Top "Memoryview" questions

What exactly is the point of memoryview in Python

Checking the documentation on memoryview: memoryview objects allow Python code to access the internal data of an object that supports …

python buffer memoryview
Cython Numpy warning about NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API when using MemoryView

I am converting a Cython memoryview to a numpy array (to be able to use it in pure Python code): …

python numpy cython memoryview
Cython: Buffer type mismatch, expected 'int' but got 'long'

I'm having trouble passing in this memoryview of integers into this (rather trivial) function. Python is giving me this error: …

python numpy cython memoryview
Cython: Convert memory view to NumPy array

How to convert a typed memoryview to an NumPy array in cython? The docs have cimport numpy as np import …

python arrays numpy cython memoryview
When should a memoryview be used?

The full description of memoryview can be found here: Create a memoryview that references obj. obj must support the buffer …

python python-3.x memoryview
How to declare 2D c-arrays dynamically in Cython

I need to perform a lot of work using 2D numpy arrays of various sizes and I would like to …

c numpy cython dynamic-arrays memoryview
which one is faster np.vstack, np.append, np.concatenate or a manual function made in cython?

I coded some program which updates a numpy list in each iteration and does some operations on it. the number …

python performance numpy cython memoryview