Top "Dynamic-arrays" questions

Anything related to dynamic arrays, i.e. array-like data structures where the length of the array (the number of its elements) can be changed at runtime, thus allowing adding or removing elements without explicit memory allocation and management.

How do I get an empty array of any size in python?

I basically want a python equivalent of this in C: int a[x]; but in python I declare an array …

python arrays dynamic-arrays
How can I dynamically add items to a Java array?

In PHP, you can dynamically add elements to arrays by the following: $x = new Array(); $x[] = 1; $x[] = 2; After this, $x …

java arrays dynamic-arrays
C dynamically growing array

I have a program that reads a "raw" list of in-game entities, and I intend to make an array holding …

c dynamic-arrays
Fastest way to add an Item to an Array

What is the fastest way to add a new item to an existing array? Dim arr As Integer() = {1, 2, 3} Dim newItem …

arrays dynamic-arrays
Pointer-to-pointer dynamic two-dimensional array

First timer on this website, so here goes.. I'm a newbie to C++ and I'm currently working through the book "…

c++ arrays pointers memory-management dynamic-arrays
ReDim Preserve to a Multi-Dimensional Array in Visual Basic 6

I'm using VB6 and I need to do a ReDim Preserve to a Multi-Dimensional Array: Dim n, m As Integer …

arrays multidimensional-array vb6 dynamic-arrays
How to get size of dynamic array in C++

Code for dynamic array by entering size and storing it into "n" variable, but I want to get the array …

c++ dynamic-arrays
How do I declare an array when I don't know the length until run time?

I originally had an array[1..1000] that was defined as a global variable. But now I need that to be n, …

delphi arrays global-variables dynamic-arrays redefine
NumPy style arrays for C++?

Are there any C++ (or C) libs that have NumPy-like arrays with support for slicing, vectorized operations, adding and subtracting …

c++ arrays dynamic-arrays
Appending a dynamic array in VBA

I'm looping through a named range and appending an array based on if the cell is empty or not. I'm …

vba dynamic-arrays