Fitting 1-D curve to data points, minimizing pre-defined error/loss function.
I've been trying to fit a function to some data for a while using scipy.optimize.curve_fit but I …
python numpy matplotlib curve-fitting data-fittingI would like to use the lmfit module to fit a function to a variable number of data-sets, with some …
python parameters curve-fitting lmfitI am trying to fit some data to a curve in Python using scipy.optimize.curve_fit. I am running …
python scipy curve-fittingI have the following code: import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit def func(x, p): return …
python numpy scipy curve-fittingI want to visually explore the relationship between two variables. The functional form of the relationship is not visible in …
python matplotlib curve-fitting statsmodels smoothingI have a lot of data, and I think it is possible to fit it to a sigmoid (this thought …
matlab curve-fitting data-fittingAccording to the documentation, the argument sigma can be used to set the weights of the data points in the …
python scipy curve-fittingI have some data (x and y coordinates) coming from a study and I have to plot them and to …
python regression curve-fitting exponential power-lawSimple question - the range drawn on a plot can be changed with the set xrange [x_min:x_max] …
gnuplot curve-fitting data-fitting xrange function-fittingSuppose I have a set of x,y coordinates that mark points along contour. Is there a way that I …
numpy scipy curve-fitting bezier spline