Top "Curve-fitting" questions

Fitting 1-D curve to data points, minimizing pre-defined error/loss function.

Fitting a curve to specific data

I have the following data in my thesis: 28 45 91 14 102 11 393 5 4492 1.77 I need to fit a curve into this. If I plot it, …

r gnuplot curve-fitting curve
How can I find equation of a plot connecting data points in Matlab?

I have various plots (with hold on) as show in the following figure: I would like to know how to …

matlab equation curve curve-fitting
OpenCV line fitting algorithm

I'm trying to understand OpenCV fitLine() algorithm. This is fragment of code from OpenCV: icvFitLine2D function - icvFitLine2D …

algorithm opencv statistics curve-fitting
How can I fit a Bézier curve to a set of data?

I have a set of data points (which I can thin out) that I need to fit with a Bé…

python algorithm bezier curve-fitting
How to fit polynomial to data with error bars

I am currently using numpy.polyfit(x,y,deg) to fit a polynomial to experimental data. I would however like …

python numpy scipy curve-fitting
Fitting data using UnivariateSpline in scipy python

I have a experimental data to which I am trying to fit a curve using UnivariateSpline function in scipy. The …

python numpy scipy curve-fitting
Java curve fitting library

I'm hoping to find a simple library that can take a series of 2 dimensional points and give me back a …

java curve-fitting
Why isn't `curve_fit` able to estimate the covariance of the parameter if the parameter fits exactly?

I don't understand curve_fit isn't able to estimate the covariance of the parameter, thus raising the OptimizeWarning below. The …

python numpy scipy curve-fitting covariance
How to apply Box-Cox transformation in Python?

I have data of the form: X Y 3.53 0 4.93 50 5.53 60 6.21 70 7.37 80 9.98 90 16.56 100 And I want to find out n so that this can be …

python numpy scipy curve-fitting
geom_smooth and exponential fits

I am new to R and I'm having some difficulty plotting an exponential curve using ggplot2. I have a set …

r plot ggplot2 curve-fitting exponential