Fitting 1-D curve to data points, minimizing pre-defined error/loss function.
I am trying to apply bounds onto some of the parameters during curve fitting but I'm getting the following error …
python matplotlib scipy curve-fittingI'd like to be able to perform fits that allows me to fit an arbitrary curve function to data, and …
python scipy numeric curve-fitting pyminuitI'm trying to fit a histogram with some data in it using scipy.optimize.curve_fit. If I want to …
python numpy scipy curve-fittingHi I would like to ask my fellow python users how they perform their linear fitting. I have been searching …
python curve-fitting linear-equationI have been struggling a while on that; In short, I can't find the equations Excel uses for R2. Here …
excel matlab regression curve-fitting trendlineI am trying to fit this function to some data: But when I use my code import numpy as np …
python scipy curve-fitting lmfitMy teacher in the signal analysis course has given me some Matlab code that I have to execute in order …
matlab octave curve-fitting data-fittingI have 2 arrays say X and Y. Each have 5 elements. Now for each possible combination of (X,Y) I have …
curve-fitting parametric-equations excel-chartsConsidering the following nice solution for finding cubic Bézier control points for a curve passing through 4 points: How to …
bezier points curve curve-fittingI am a beginner in curve fitting and several posts on Stackoverflow really helped me. I tried to fit a …
r curve-fitting