Fitting 1-D curve to data points, minimizing pre-defined error/loss function.
I have 37 linear equations and 36 variables in the form of a matrix equation; A*X=B . The equations don't have …
matlab math curve-fitting least-squares best-fit-curveGiven n points: p0, p1, p2, ..., pn; How can I get the point c1, c2 so that the cubic bezier …
c# algorithm math bezier curve-fittingI'm trying to fit a piecewise defined function to a data set in Python. I've searched for quite a while …
python numpy scipy curve-fitting piecewiseI am trying to make a gaussian fit over many data points. E.g. I have a 256 x 262144 array of …
python scipy curve-fitting gaussian least-squaresI'm trying to fit a sigmoid function to some data I have but I keep getting:ValueError: Unable to determine …
python-3.x scipy curve-fitting sigmoidI have a very specific requirement for interpolating nonlinear data using a 6th degree polynomial. I've seen numpy/scipy routines (…
python numpy scipy curve-fitting linear-regressionI'm trying to fit some data from a simulation code I've been running in order to figure out a power …
python numpy scipy curve-fitting least-squaresIs it possible to obtain the value of the chi squared as a direct output of scipy.optimize.curve_fit()? …
python scipy curve-fitting chi-squaredMy question involves statistics and python and I am a beginner in both. I am running a simulation, and for …
python python-3.x scipy statistics curve-fittingI'm a developer up in Portland, OR. I'm wondering if anyone can assist: I'm working on Loess fit models using …
r curve-fitting loess