CSS Transitions allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration.
I'm trying to get a 3D cube effect animation with ng-animate and ng-view. When I switch to another page, I …
css angularjs css-transitions ng-animateIs there a way to create a variable for transitions in Sass to replicate this: -webkit-transition: .2s; -moz-transition: .2s; -ms-transition: .2…
css sass css-transitions codekitWhat would be the right way to prefix this CSS in order to cover the widest range of browsers and …
css css-transitions css-transforms vendor-prefixI'm having a problem with the back face-visibilty property. It works how I want it to in Safari/Chrome, but …
css-transitions css-transformswill this repetitive animation code slow down my system?: @-webkit-keyframes animate {-webkit-animation-iteration-count:infinite;...} Are all CSS3 properties CPU intensive ? Thanks.
css css-transitions hardware-accelerationI have a cubic bezier curve where the first and last points are given (namely P0(0,0) and P3(1,1)). The other …
vb.net math bezier css-transitionsI'd like to delete an object after it's done animating with a CSS transition, but I'm not able to use …
javascript callback css-transitions custom-eventI am animating the entry and exit of an array of items using TransitionGroup and CSSTransition (with a fade effect). …
javascript reactjs css-transitions react-transition-groupI am rotating a coin along Y axis by 90deg through CSS. Is there a way so that I can …
jquery css jquery-animate rotation css-transitionsI've a big problem with a jQuery Mobile Application: I'm using custom functions (they are triggered by onClick) to switch …
jquery-mobile webkit css-transitions android-browser