Top "Css-transitions" questions

CSS Transitions allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration.

SVG Scale without moving location

What I'm trying to do is simple: scale some SVG dots from scale(0) to scale(1) when a sibling element is …

javascript svg css-transitions css-transforms scaletransform
Multiple transitions for Twitter bootstrap .transition?

I am wanting to animate two properties in Bootstrap v2.1.0, The opacity and the margin. I have tried: .transition(opacity 0.5…

css twitter-bootstrap less css-transitions
Lightweight, mobile compatible, modern, free alternative to FancyBox 2

I am looking for an alternative to FancyBox 2. It should be lightweight, mobile friendly (use hardware accelerated css transitions), and …

open-source css-transitions javascript fancybox-2
Angular Material Design Animation

I'm currently developing a mobile web application with AngularJS, ngAnimate, Angular-Material and UI-Router. I'm following Google Material Design specifications for …

angularjs angular-ui-router css-transitions ng-animate angular-material
iOS Safari + CSS calc() + CSS transition = Instant Crash

When I try to use left: -webkit-calc(100% - 100px); (assuming that left: 0; is initial state) it works in iOS 6.0.1 just …

ios css safari css-transitions
Looking for a “swing”-like easing expressible both with jQuery and CSS3

I have to perform two animations on an object simultaneously. For a number of reasons, I want to use jQuery …

jquery css jquery-easing css-transitions
How to animate elements move with css3 transitions after hiding some element

Is it possible to animate elements move with css3 transitions after hiding some element using jQuery's .fadeOut()? I found some …

jquery css css-transitions fadein fadeout
How to convert css3 transition easing to jquery easing function?

I making a slider for both modern browsers and old browsers too. I use translate3d and transition to make …

jquery css css-transitions easing
Zooming on a point with CSS3 transform scale

Even if the following code snippet seems short, I struggled during days (shame on me!) to find a way to …

css transform css-transitions transition
CSS3: Glowing background on link-hover (not text-glow)

I have a menu, containing several links. I want these links to have a glowing effect in the background when …

css-transitions css glow