Top "Scaletransform" questions

ScaleTransform refers to a procedure to scales an object in the 2-D x-y coordinate system, it can be used to stretch or shrink an object horizontally or vertically.

Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

I have the following problem: I would like to visualize a discrete and a continuous variable on a boxplot in …

r ggplot2 boxplot scaletransform
WPF Canvas Scaling/Transform to Fit

I'm reposting this question as I didn't get much of a response last time, hopefully a bit of re-wording might …

c# wpf canvas scaletransform
Scale transform in xaml (in a controltemplate) on a button to perform a "zoom"

I've got a button with an image in it and it's being styled by the following: <ControlTemplate x:Key="…

wpf image button zooming scaletransform
How to programmatically animate an ImageView

I am trying to animate an ImageView when the said image view is clicked. Specifically I want the size of …

android android-animation scaletransform
How to rotate, translate and scale a control object around an specific point in WPF

I have a custom built control, which is a rectangle with a few details inside it, but it is a …

wpf rotation transform scaletransform
ScaleTransform for Image

I am trying to increase the size of the image by 20. So I am using ScaleTransform as shown below.. but …

wpf scaletransform
Pulsating button animation in Android

I'm working with a Voice recognition application and I want to make my play/stop button "pulse" when it's recording. …

android button android-animation android-imageview scaletransform
SVG Scale without moving location

What I'm trying to do is simple: scale some SVG dots from scale(0) to scale(1) when a sibling element is …

javascript svg css-transitions css-transforms scaletransform
Scale an entire HTML element using CSS

How can I scale an entire element and all children by a specific percentage or to a specific final size? …

html css scale css-transforms scaletransform
Improving WPF Canvas performance

I am developing a Maps like application using WPF. I have ~10,000 PathGeometry, Shapes added to the canvas. I have added …

wpf performance wpf-controls maps scaletransform