Top "Boxplot" questions

Boxplot is a form of displaying cardinally scaled data displaying robust summary statistics as graphical elements.

Plot multiple boxplot in one graph

I saved my data in as a .csv file with 12 columns. Columns two through 11 (labeled F1, F2, ..., F11) are features. …

r plot ggplot2 boxplot
matplotlib: Group boxplots

Is there a way to group boxplots in matplotlib? Assume we have three groups "A", "B", and "C" and for …

python matplotlib boxplot
How to remove outliers in boxplot in R?

Possible Duplicate: Changing the outlier rule in a boxplot I need to visualize my result using box-plot. x<-rnorm(10000) …

r boxplot outliers
How to set the range of y-axis for a seaborn boxplot?

From the official seaborn documentation, I learned that you can create a boxplot as below: import seaborn as sns sns.…

python matplotlib boxplot seaborn
Transform only one axis to log10 scale with ggplot2

I have the following problem: I would like to visualize a discrete and a continuous variable on a boxplot in …

r ggplot2 boxplot scaletransform
Boxplot in R showing the mean

Does anybody know of a way of generating a boxplot in R with a line (or another symbol) in the …

r plot boxplot
R - ordering in boxplot

I am trying to produce a series of box plots in R that is grouped by 2 factors. I've managed to …

r boxplot
Put stars on ggplot barplots and boxplots - to indicate the level of significance (p-value)

It's common to put stars on barplots or boxplots to show the level of significance (p-value) of one or between …

r ggplot2 boxplot p-value bar-chart
Changing x axis tick labels in R using ggplot2

How can I change the names of my x axis labels in ggplot2? See below: ggbox <- ggplot(buffer, …

r ggplot2 boxplot
Subplot for seaborn boxplot

I have a dataframe like this import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd %pylab inline df = pd.DataFrame({'a' :[…

python-3.x loops boxplot seaborn