Top "Custom-event" questions

The custom-events tag is an ambigious tag used when a question targets an event in an event-driven system created an maintained by the asker him or her -self.

Create custom wpf event

i've created an UserControl for Database connection where user input Username and Password for a connection. This UserControl is in …

c# wpf xaml events custom-event
ASP.NET TextBox LostFocus event

I need to trigger code on the server side to be called when a TextBox loses focus. I know there … textbox lost-focus custom-event
How to work with delegates and event handler for user control

I have created a user control that contains a button. I am using this control on my winform which will …

c# user-controls event-handling delegates custom-event
jQuery listen globally for custom event

A simplified version of what i'm trying to do is as follows: var indication = $('#some-div'); indication.bind('custom-event', function() { ... } // ... …

jquery events custom-event
define Custom Event for WebControl in

I need to define 3 events in a Custom Control as OnChange, OnSave, and OnDelete. I have a GridView and work …

c# custom-controls web-controls custom-event
event.preventDefault() is not working in IE 11 for custom events

I have a polymer element which triggers a custom event synchronously and I want to know whether the event was …

internet-explorer polymer custom-event
How do I detect a transition end without a JavaScript library?

I'd like to delete an object after it's done animating with a CSS transition, but I'm not able to use …

javascript callback css-transitions custom-event
Custom event in HTML, Javascript

I'm looking to create a custom event in HTML, JS. <input type="text" oncustombind="foo(event);" /> How can …

javascript html events custom-event