Top "Lost-focus" questions

The transition that occurs when a control status changes from focused to unfocused.

How to force to lose focus of all fields in a form in jQuery

When a input field changes (onchange) I trigger a function to set a variable. The only problem is that the …

javascript jquery lost-focus
ASP.NET TextBox LostFocus event

I need to trigger code on the server side to be called when a TextBox loses focus. I know there … textbox lost-focus custom-event
Is it possible to write onFocus/lostFocus handler for a DIV using JS or jQuery?

I have a div and when the user clicks the div a function should be called. And when the user …

javascript jquery onfocus lost-focus
How to re-focus to a text field when focus is lost on a HTML form?

There is only one text field on a HTML form. Users input some text, press Enter, submit the form, and …

javascript setfocus lost-focus
Having TextChanged Event Fire Immediately as Text is Typed into TextBox

On a wpf TextBox that has an TextChanged event, it seems to only fires when focus is taken away from …

wpf events textbox textchanged lost-focus
How do you solve this LostFocus/LostKeyboardFocus issue?

Ok, I have a control that has an IsEditing property which for argument's sake has a default template that is …

wpf lost-focus focusmanager lostfocus keyboardfocusmanager
TextBox LostFocus is not raised when clicking on certain other controls

In the following simple WPF application a TextBox is set to update a property when the focus is lost from …

wpf focus toolbar lost-focus
blur event.relatedTarget returns null

I have an <input type="text"> field and I need to clear it when this field loses focus (…

javascript events onblur lost-focus focusout
How to use textbox lost-focus event

I have a textbox and I want to check the data from database for duplicate record when I lost the …

c# textbox lost-focus
How to trigger ASP.NET client-side validations without submit?

I have a website in ASP.NET (WebForms, NOT MVC) which has a survey form divided in several slides. Each … webforms client-side-validation lost-focus