Top "Polymer" questions

The Polymer library provides a set of features that make it easy and fast to make custom elements that work like standard DOM elements.

What is the difference between Polymer elements and AngularJS directives?

On the Polymer Getting Started page, we see an example of Polymer in action: <html> <head> &…

javascript angularjs polymer
What do /deep/ and ::shadow mean in a CSS selector?

In looking at Polymer, I see the following CSS selector in the Styles tab of Chrome 37's developer tools: I've …

css html polymer web-component shadow-dom
Error: Cannot find module 'browser-sync'

When am trying to start gulp serve Its raise an error module.js:338 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'browser-sync' …

npm polymer gulp polymer-1.0 browser-sync
Using querySelector to find nested elements inside a Polymer template returns null

I'm trying to use paper-tabs inside new element (tabs-list) but after print tabs I can't use querySelector to change selected …

javascript polymer shadow-dom
Paper-Button always as upper case

I am using Paper-Button but I am facing issue that the button text always gets capitalized instead or normal case. …

Polymer 1.0: How to pass an argument to a Polymer function from an attribute?

Is there a way to pass an argument to a Polymer function from an element attribute inside its <template&…

polymer polymer-1.0
Can es6's module loader also load assets (html/css/...)

ES6's modules are based on a flexible loader architecture (although the standard is not final, so ...). Does this mean …

html module loader polymer ecmascript-6
Can I access the shadow DOM using jQuery?

I defined a component with polymer like this: <polymer-element name="my-component"> <template> <div id='test'&…

javascript jquery dom polymer shadow-dom
How to query elements within shadow DOM from outside in Dart?

How can I select nodes within shadow DOM? Consider the following example: structure of "unshadowed" DOM <app-element> #shadow-root &…

css-selectors dart polymer dart-polymer shadow-dom
Polymer input change event

All I want is to be able to get the input from a polymer element <paper-input> and alert …

javascript polymer