The four basic operations for a data management system : Create, Read, Update, Delete
Is there anyone knows how to extend the set_relation() ? Here is the idea, base on the example of Grocery …
codeigniter crud grocery-crudI'm in a bit of pickle, I received a request to create CRUD app to edit JSON object in an …
php json crudI have just finished reading an article on MSDN by John Evdemon. He bashes the CRUD interfaces and calls it …
design-patterns soa crudThe CRUD principle defines the four basic operations on persistent data: Create, Read, Update, Delete. HTTP verbs also use the …
ruby-on-rails http rest crudIn order to respect the best practices of the REST principles, is it best to return the created/updated entity …
web-services rest crud principlesI know there are a lot of naming conventions to build apps (name database tables in the singular, models in …
python django templates naming-conventions crudThere are many duplicated code among CREATE and EDIT controllers. These controllers could be combined into one for minimizing repetitive …
angularjs controller crudI don't understand the difference between read and list. According to Wikipedia: The acronym may be extended to CRUDL to …
database function pagination crud