Use for questions related to programming principles; Principles describe laws or rules that according to their proponents are nearly universal truths in software engineering.
What is the dependency inversion principle and why is it important?
oop solid-principles glossary principles dependency-inversionAre there any known design principles, best-practices and design patterns that one can follow while designing a C project? Or …
c design-patterns principlesWhat is meant by "using the EAFP principle" in Python? Could you provide any examples?
python principlesWhat exactly is involved in namenode formatting. If I type in the following command into my terminal within my hadoop …
hadoop formatting principlesI have a question that I've been trying to answer for some time now but can't figure out: How do …
couchdb modeling principlesIs it a good approach to use std::ignore for ignoring unused variables? Suppose I have a function like this: …
c++ function c++11 c++14 principlesAre there any known principles, best-practices and design patterns that one can follow while writing code in a functional programming …
design-patterns functional-programming principlesIn order to respect the best practices of the REST principles, is it best to return the created/updated entity …
web-services rest crud principles