list of terms and definitions used in a larger document
Can you tell me what is the difference between abstraction and information hiding in software development? I am confused. Abstraction …
encapsulation abstraction glossary ooad information-hidingI asked a question about Currying and closures were mentioned. What is a closure? How does it relate to currying?
functional-programming computer-science terminology glossaryI've read the Wikipedia articles for both procedural programming and functional programming, but I'm still slightly confused. Could someone boil …
functional-programming glossary paradigms procedural-programmingI keep hearing this term tossed around in several different contexts. What is it?
programming-languages declarative glossaryWhat is the dependency inversion principle and why is it important?
oop solid-principles glossary principles dependency-inversionI'm using markdown to edit this question right now. In some wikis I used wiki markup. Are they the same …
markdown markup glossaryRelated to my CouchDB question. Can anyone explain MapReduce in terms a numbnuts could understand?
frameworks mapreduce glossaryWhat are attributes in .NET, what are they good for, and how do I create my own attributes?
c# .net glossary .net-attributesWhat makes a type different from class and vice versa? (In the general language-agnostic sense)
language-agnostic class programming-languages types glossary