Top "Declarative" questions

Declarative programming is a paradigm of expressing the logic of a computer program or computation without explicit describing its control flow.

Simplest JQuery validation rules example

The following HTML form successfully utilizes jQuery's form validation, displaying "This field is required" to the right of the form …

javascript jquery validation declarative
What is declarative programming?

I keep hearing this term tossed around in several different contexts. What is it?

programming-languages declarative glossary
Dynamically add HTML to ASP.NET page

Could someone please advise what the "correct" method is for adding HTML content to an ASP.NET page dynamically? I …

c# html declarative
SQLAlchemy: a better way for update with declarative?

I am a SQLAlchemy noob. Let's say I have an user table in declarative mode: class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'user' …

python sqlalchemy declarative
SQLAlchemy update if unique key exists

I've got a class: class Tag(Base, TimestampMixin): """Tags""" __tablename__ = 'tags' __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine' : 'InnoDB', 'mysql_charset' : 'utf8' } …

python orm sqlalchemy declarative
ASP.NET masterpages: how to insert markup in the head section inside the aspx?

I know I can access the head section of a page which uses a masterpage programmatically this way (in code … header master-pages declarative
Very simple, terse and easy GUI programming “frameworks”

Please list GUI programming libraries, toolkits, frameworks which allow to write GUI apps quickly. I mean in such a way, …

user-interface scripting open-source declarative
Is there a declarative way to transform Array to Dictionary?

I want to get from this array of strings let entries = ["x=5", "y=7", "z=10"] to this let keyValuePairs = ["x" : "5", "y" : "7", "…

swift declarative
SQLAlchemy - order_by on relationship for join table

I'm using declarative SQLAlchemy and I have three models: Role, Permission, and RolePermission. In my Role model, I have the …

python sql model sqlalchemy declarative
problem assigning declarative values in asp:hyperlink. error: this is not scriptlet. will output as plain text

I am trying to do this: <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl='<%= WebContext.RootUrl %><%= WebContext.CurrentUser.UserName %>… hyperlink declarative