Top "Declarative" questions

Declarative programming is a paradigm of expressing the logic of a computer program or computation without explicit describing its control flow.

SQLAlchemy declarative many-to-many self-join via Association object

I have a table Users and a table Friends which maps users to other users as each user can have …

python sqlalchemy many-to-many relationship declarative
How to create a single table using SqlAlchemy declarative_base

To create the User table I have to use drop_all and then create_all methods. But these two functions …

python sql sqlalchemy declarative
WPF without XAML

Architecturally, I think WPF is pretty amazing. In general, I'm a big fan of the underlying rendering/animation inner workings. …

wpf xaml mvvm declarative
suggestions for declarative GUI programming in Java

I wonder if there are any suggestions for declarative GUI programming in Java. (I abhor visual-based GUI creator/editor software, …

java swing user-interface layout declarative
prolog passing a function as a variable, how to add arguments?

I have this arbitrary function that I need to call many times with different variables. btw, this is SWI-Prolog perform(…

prolog declarative
SQLAlchemy declarative syntax with autoload (reflection) in Pylons

I would like to use autoload to use an existings database. I know how to do it without declarative syntax (…

python reflection sqlalchemy pylons declarative