I would like to use autoload to use an existings database. I know how to do it without declarative syntax (model/_init_.py):
def init_model(engine):
"""Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model"""
t_events = Table('events', Base.metadata, schema='events', autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
orm.mapper(Event, t_events)
class Event(object):
This works fine, but I would like to use declarative syntax:
class Event(Base):
__tablename__ = 'events'
__table_args__ = {'schema': 'events', 'autoload': True}
Unfortunately, this way I get:
sqlalchemy.exc.UnboundExecutionError: No engine is bound to this Table's MetaData. Pass an engine to the Table via autoload_with=<someengine>, or associate the MetaData with an engine via metadata.bind=<someengine>
The problem here is that I don't know where to get the engine from (to use it in autoload_with) at the stage of importing the model (it's available in init_model()). I tried adding
to environment.py but it doesn't work. Anyone has found some elegant solution?
OK, I think I figured it out. The solution is to declare the model objects outside the model/__init__.py
. I concluded that __init__.py
gets imported as the first file when importing something from a module (in this case model
) and this causes problems because the model objects are declared before init_model()
is called.
To avoid this I created a new file in the model
module, e.g. objects.py
. I then declared all my model objects (like Event
) in this file.
Then, I can import my models like this:
from PRJ.model.objects import Event
Furthermore, to avoid specifying autoload-with
for each table, I added this line at the end of init_model()
Base.metadata.bind = engine
This way I can declare my model objects with no boilerplate code, like this:
class Event(Base):
__tablename__ = 'events'
__table_args__ = {'schema': 'events', 'autoload': True}
event_identifiers = relationship(EventIdentifier)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Event(%s)>" % self.id