I'm in a bit of pickle, I received a request to create CRUD app to edit JSON object in an array and upload them. I did a bit of research and came across http://www.taffydb.com/ but it doesn't really fit my requirements.
EDIT: I also came across jtables, but it use mysql, similar to http://www.jeasyui.com/tutorial/app/crud.php but it also uses mysql. Is it possible to skip the database portion and write directly to the JSON file?
As this is a very small JSON file, having a database would seem excessive. I have multiple objects in the JSON array which an external app would read from.
What are the viable options I could go for? Ideally the app needs to Add/Edit/Delete from the browser contents to JSON file.
Currently I'm able to display the data accordingly in tables. My code looks like this:
$getfile = file_get_contents('test.json');
$jsonfile = json_decode($getfile);
<table align="center">
<th>Background Image</th>
<th>Video URL (Link to Video)</th>
<th>Description of Video</th>
foreach ($jsonfile->playlist as $obj) {
echo '<tr><td>' . $obj->title . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $obj->title_bg . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $obj->link . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $obj->description . '</td></tr>';
"playlist": [
"title": "Test title",
"title_bg": "link/to/image.png",
"link": "https://www.google.com",
"description": "This is a test JSON Object"
The JSON file will have multiple objects in the playlist
You can do it in this way:
"playlist": [
"title": "Test title1222212321321321",
"title_bg": "link\/to\/image.png",
"link": "https:\/\/www.google.com",
"description": "This is a test JSON Object"
}, {
"title": "sdfdasf",
"title_bg": "adsfdas",
"link": "fdasf",
"description": "dasfdasf"
}, {
"title": "This is a title ",
"title_bg": "This is a title bg",
"link": "This is a link2",
"description": "This is a description"
$getfile = file_get_contents('test.json');
$jsonfile = json_decode($getfile);
<a href="http://localhost/test/add.php">Add</a>
<table align="center">
<th>Background Image</th>
<th>Video URL (Link to Video)</th>
<th>Description of Video</th>
<?php foreach ($jsonfile->playlist as $index => $obj): ?>
<td><?php echo $obj->title; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $obj->title_bg; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $obj->link; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $obj->description; ?></td>
<a href="http://localhost/test/edit.php?id=<?php echo $index; ?>">Edit</a>
<a href="http://localhost/test/delete.php?id=<?php echo $index; ?>">Delete</a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
$id = (int) $_GET["id"];
$getfile = file_get_contents('test.json');
$jsonfile = json_decode($getfile, true);
$jsonfile = $jsonfile["playlist"];
$jsonfile = $jsonfile[$id];
if (isset($_POST["id"])) {
$id = (int) $_POST["id"];
$getfile = file_get_contents('test.json');
$all = json_decode($getfile, true);
$jsonfile = $all["playlist"];
$jsonfile = $jsonfile[$id];
$post["title"] = isset($_POST["title"]) ? $_POST["title"] : "";
$post["title_bg"] = isset($_POST["title_bg"]) ? $_POST["title_bg"] : "";
$post["link"] = isset($_POST["link"]) ? $_POST["link"] : "";
$post["description"] = isset($_POST["description"]) ? $_POST["description"] : "";
if ($jsonfile) {
$all["playlist"][$id] = $post;
$all["playlist"] = array_values($all["playlist"]);
file_put_contents("test.json", json_encode($all));
header("Location: http://localhost/test/index.php");
<?php if (isset($_GET["id"])): ?>
<form action="http://localhost/test/edit.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $id ?>" name="id"/>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $jsonfile["title"] ?>" name="title"/>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $jsonfile["title_bg"] ?>" name="title_bg"/>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $jsonfile["link"] ?>" name="link"/>
<input type="text" value="<?php echo $jsonfile["description"] ?>" name="description"/>
<input type="submit"/>
<?php endif; ?>
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
$id = (int) $_GET["id"];
$all = file_get_contents('test.json');
$all = json_decode($all, true);
$jsonfile = $all["playlist"];
$jsonfile = $jsonfile[$id];
if ($jsonfile) {
$all["playlist"] = array_values($all["playlist"]);
file_put_contents("test.json", json_encode($all));
header("Location: http://localhost/test/index.php");
<form action="http://localhost/test/add.php" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="title" placeholder="title"/>
<input type="text" name="title_bg" placeholder="title_bg"/>
<input type="text" name="link" placeholder="link"/>
<input type="text" name="description" placeholder="description"/>
<input type="submit" name="add"/>
if (isset($_POST["add"])) {
$file = file_get_contents('test.json');
$data = json_decode($file, true);
$data["playlist"] = array_values($data["playlist"]);
array_push($data["playlist"], $_POST);
file_put_contents("test.json", json_encode($data));
header("Location: http://localhost/test/index.php");
To run the script you must specify in each of these files, a file path JSON. You have to also change the address of links to your environment.