Top "Crud" questions

The four basic operations for a data management system : Create, Read, Update, Delete

Straightforward way to generate code with Mongoose and Node.js and Underscore?

I want to generate something like this: But I want to generate the html template …

mongodb node.js crud underscore.js
How to get user's authorization credentials in code with spring security?

What I'm trying to do is to build CRUD REST service. It will maintain a database of users and theirs …

spring authentication spring-security crud
How to delete an entity from a template with a list of entities (CRUD)?

Explanation: I have generated the CRUD of an entity, getting the following default actions: indexAction(): lists all entities. showAction($id): …

forms symfony crud symfony-2.3
Generating simple crud applications in Spring based off existing database or hibernate configurations?

I'm attempting to learn Spring MVC but have been spoiled by Grails. While I am able to get a basic …

java hibernate spring crud
Django: The best practice to implement CRUD outside the contrib.admin

I'm currently developing a Blog project using Post model, which will be used by multiple authors. I want to make …

django admin crud controlpanel
Python web framework with CRUD powered by AJAX

I am looking for a Python web framework which will allow me to rapidly build a CRUD application with automatic …

python ajax crud web-frameworks turbogears
Should I write Unit-Tests for CRUD operations when I have already Integration-Tests?

In our recent project Sonar was complaining about a weak test coverage. We noticed that it didn't consider integration tests …

spring hibernate unit-testing integration-testing crud
Gii: Class does not exist or has syntax error

I am trying to generate CRUD in yii2 using Gii. I have created a model class using Gii and it …

php model yii2 crud gii
Yii2 - Saving multiple related ActiveRecord models in one form

Here is the table structure: Table BaseTable id (primary key) INT description VARCHAR(255) Table ChildTable id (primary key)(foreign key …

php yii2 crud gii
What would you name this CRUD class?

Trying to avoid the SomethingManager trap here... Let's say I'm going to write a User editor which will allow administrators …

naming-conventions crud