Top "Copy" questions

To copy is to create a duplicate of an object without destroying the original.

NSArray property: copy or retain?

According to this: NSString property: copy or retain? For NSString/NSMutableString, copy is recommended. How about NSArray/NSMutableArray?

objective-c properties copy nsarray retain
Excel VBA Copy Sheet without original workbook reference

I have a routine that is copying various sheets from many workbooks and pasting these sheets in what I am …

excel vba reference copy worksheet
Create and Copy hyperlink with text/caption to Clipboard with c#

In all sorts of programs you can copy hyperlinks to clipboard and paste them into other applications. E g the ’…

c# hyperlink copy clipboard paste
hdfs copy multiple files to same target directory

I learned that if you want to copy multiple files from one hadoop folder to another hadoop folder you can …

hadoop copy hdfs subdirectory cp
How to use Command-c/Command-v shortcut in Mac to copy/paste text?

I have a Java Swing application that i want to run on Mac OS X. I want to use the …

java swing copy paste macos
Save website sourecode to file via php

Hi I wan to save the sourecode of to some directory in …

php file download copy translucency
Maven project with native dependency and copying files

I have the following scenario: mylib is a library (for which I have the sources, so I'd like to put …

dll maven dependencies copy transitive-dependency
Tried and true simple file copying code in C?

This looks like a simple question, but I didn't find anything similar here. Since there is no file copy function …

c file-io copy stdio
Best method to copy texture to texture

What is the best method to copy pixels from texture to texture? I've found some ways to accomplish this. For …

opengl copy textures benchmarking fbo
Copying integer to integer with allocated memory

I have a problem with the code below. ... int anInteger; ... //anInteger gets a value ... int *anotherInteger; label = (int *)malloc(sizeof(…

c memory-management copy integer strncpy