Top "Copy" questions

To copy is to create a duplicate of an object without destroying the original.

Clone/duplicate an existing GameObject and its children

Is there a C# way in Unity to duplicate an existing GameObject and all of its children? In my case, …

c# unity3d copy unity5 gameobject
In chrome, using the window.Clipboard object, is there a way to capture pasted text?

You can capture an image. I am trying to figure out how to capture text. I'm guessing there isn't, for …

javascript google-chrome copy clipboard paste
How to copy folder structure under another directory?

I have some questions related to copying a folder structure. In fact, I need to do a conversion of pdf …

python directory copy subdirectory
Could not find uri with key dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri to create a keyProvider in HDFS encryption for CDH 5.4

CDH Version: CDH5.4.5 Issue: When HDFS Encryption is enabled using KMS available in Hadoop CDH 5.4 , getting error while putting file …

hadoop encryption copy hdfs cloudera-cdh
ZeroClipboard - How to use

I'm using this one I spent this whole day figuring out how to use ZeroClipboard(…

javascript copy zeroclipboard
copy file from one model to another

I have 2 simple models: class UploadImage(models.Model): Image = models.ImageField(upload_to="temp/") class RealImage(models.Model): Image = models.…

django copy filefield
ruby copy folder with subfolders to a target location

I'm trying to copy a folder with all its subfolders from source to a destination folder. The below code doesn't …

ruby copy directory fileutils
How do I make a copy of java.util.Properties object?

I have the following field and constructor: private final Properties properties; public PropertiesExpander(Properties properties) { = properties; } The good …

java collections properties copy copy-constructor
How to drag & drop items in the same ListView?

Consider this is a ListView that shows files and folders, I have already wrote code for copy/move/rename/show …

c# listview drag-and-drop copy listviewitem
How to duplicate a wordpress plugin?

How can I duplicate a Wordpress plugin so that there are two of the same plugins running with its respective …

wordpress plugins copy duplicates mirror