Top "Gameobject" questions

GameObject is a key component of the Unity3D engine.

How can I find child gameobject?

I want to say somethings like.. Gameobject.find(child gameobject of specific parent Gameobject) Can anyone help me. thanks!

unity3d gameobject
Add gameobject dynamically to scene in Unity3d

I am creating a scene in which I want to show list of offers. In order to show the offer, …

c# unity3d gameobject ngui
GameObject.FindObjectOfType<>() vs GetComponent<>()

I have been following several tutorial series and have seen these two used in very similar ways, and was hoping …

c# unity3d gameobject
Adding a shader to a gameobject

How can I add a shader to a game object? a have a shader defined here: (i am trying to …

unity3d gameobject
how to move Camera smoothly in unity3D?

When I want to move Camera from origin position to destination position,it looks so stiff.So if it can …

unity3d transform gameobject lerp
Unity/C# Find object and get component

This should be an easy one: GameObject myCube = GameObject.Find("Cubey").GetComponent<GameObject>(); just kicks up error CS0309: …

c# unity3d gameobject
Hide/Unhide object in Unity3D via script

i want to set part of my scene to be hidden before everything starts, so lets say i have some …

unity3d gameobject
Instantiating a list of gameobjects in Unity C#

How can I instantiate a list of GameObject in Unity3D using c#? I fill the list with prefabs manually …

c# list unity3d gameobject
Clone/duplicate an existing GameObject and its children

Is there a C# way in Unity to duplicate an existing GameObject and all of its children? In my case, …

c# unity3d copy unity5 gameobject
Unity-How do I check if an object is seen by the Main Camera

I'm doing this thing where an object is moving on a plane, and the camera is in the center of …

c# unity3d camera gameobject