Top "Copy-paste" questions

For issues relating to cut, copy, and paste operations.

Getting strange characters when pasting into my iterm2 terminal

I'm using iterm2 v 3.0.15 on Mac Sierra. I'm having trouble cutting and pasting from other places (e.g. text on …

copy-paste paste iterm2
How to paste before the cursor after selecting a vertical block?

I'm so sure that this must exist, but if it doesn't maybe there is a macro for it... One of …

vim keyboard-shortcuts copy-paste
How to copy watched javascript variable in Chrome?

I put a breakpoint in javascript and am testing some code with Chrome. I also added a watch expression for …

javascript debugging google-chrome copy-paste
Enable copy and paste on UITextField without making it editable

I want the text in a UITextField (or ideally, a UILabel) to be non-editable, but at the same time give …

ios cocoa-touch uitextfield uilabel copy-paste
MobaXterm right mouse button double click

Recently I have updated/upgraded to version 10.2, free personal edition. I think right after the upgrade, the right-mouse-button behaviors changed. …

copy-paste right-mouse-button mobaxterm
Copying a UTF-8 URL from browser's address bar, gives only the ugly encoded one

When I copy a UTF-8 URL from the browser's address bar (almost any browser on any os), then try to …

url browser copy-paste url-encoding
Copy-paste code from Visual Studio, but paste UNFORMATTED code

Is there any way to force Visual Studio to copy selected code to the clipboard as unformatted text? When I …

visual-studio visual-studio-2008 visual-studio-2005 copy-paste
Paste multiple lines inside tags as separate line each - Sublime text

I have to set a list of title/authors item inside an html page, with each title/author line inside …

sublimetext2 line copy-paste tabular
Do tools exist which automatically find copy-and-paste code?

Are there tools out there which could automatically find copy-and-paste code among a set of files? I was thinking of …

code-analysis copy-paste static-analysis code-duplication
How to copy a MATLAB figure and past it in a Word document?

I have some MATLAB figures open in MATLAB. I would like to copy them to a word document without exporting …

matlab ms-word copy-paste matlab-figure export-to-word