Top "Copy-paste" questions

For issues relating to cut, copy, and paste operations.

Why is "copy and paste" of code dangerous?

Sometimes, my boss will complain to us: Why do we need such a long time to implement a feature? Actually, …

dry copy-paste
How to Cut and Paste from Mac to Windows in Windows Remote Desktop RDC

When using Microsoft Remote Desktop on Mac, Command+V doe not work to paste into the RDP session. On Mac, …

copy-paste remote-desktop
Copying stuff from vim running in putty

I am running Vim 6.3 through putty and putty connection manager. I have the mouse option set (set mouse = a). I …

vim mouse clipboard copy-paste putty
selecting in visual mode to paste outside vim window

I need to paste some selected block in visual mode to outside of vim. Currently I need to select this …

vim copy-paste vi paste
c# copying files from source folder to target folder

Source and Target have the same subdirectories like this : c:\fs\source\a\ c:\fs\source\b\ c:\fs\target\…

c# directory copy-paste directoryinfo
GAC - To add an assembly to the GAC, drag and drop works, but copy and paste doesn't? Why?

I would like to know why drag and drop works, and copy paste doesn't. What is happening with a drag …

.net drag-and-drop gac copy-paste
Visual Studio multiple copy and paste

While editing and fixing up code I have thought that sometimes it would be nice to be able to paste …

visual-studio copy-paste
How to get selected text from PDF opened in Chrome Browser from an extension

I have PDF opened in Chrome's new tab and want to copy text. Is there any solution to do this?

google-chrome pdf text copy-paste
copy-paste lines between tabs in vimdiff

I'm using vimdiff to see the difference between two files. I'm wondering if it is possible to copy a line …

tabs copy-paste vimdiff
Eclipse is hanged on copy/paste in JavaScript files

I've been running Eclipse Helios 3.6 using the Java/CFEclipse IDEs, and finding some very strange and aggravating errors when trying …

javascript eclipse copy-paste jsdt