Top "Tabular" questions

Tabular indicates a display format that mimics a table entity.

Output in a table format in Java's System.out

I'm getting results from a database and want to output the data as a table in Java's standard output I've …

java string-formatting tabular
How to center cell contents of a LaTeX table whose columns have fixed widths?

Consider the following piece of LaTeX code: \begin{tabular}{p{1in}p{1in}} A & B\\ C & D\\ \end{…

alignment latex tabular
LaTeX table too wide. How to make it fit?

I just started to learn latex and now I'm trying to create a table. This is my code: \begin{table} \…

latex tabular
Parsing PDF files (especially with tables) with PDFBox

I need to parse a PDF file which contains tabular data. I'm using PDFBox to extract the file text to …

java parsing pdf pdfbox tabular
How can I pretty-print ASCII tables with Python?

I'm looking for a way to pretty-print tables like this: ======================= | column 1 | column 2 | ======================= | value1 | value2 | | value3 | value4 | ======================= I've found the asciitable …

python ascii tabular
Latex: how to break the line in multirow inside the tabular

I cannot find out how to break the line inside the multirow in tabular. I need to make some table …

latex tabular multirow
How to code tables with multi-line cells

I am trying to write a short paper with LaTeX and need to add a table with 3 columns. +-------------+-----------------+…

latex tabular
Display matrix with row and column labels

Is there a convenient way to display a matrix with row and column labels in the Matlab terminal? Something like …

matlab matrix tabular matlab-table
BeautifulSoup: Get the contents of a specific table

My local airport disgracefully blocks users without IE, and looks awful. I want to write a Python scripts that would …

python web-scraping beautifulsoup tabular
LaTeX, How to fit a large table in a page

The following LaTeX code generate a table but it is contain small font size and it does not fit page: \…

latex tabular