Top "Coordinates" questions

Refers to a sequence of numbers used to indicate the position of an object relative to an axis.

Get coordinates on tapping map in android

I'm trying to make something like this: I have a mapactivity and when the user taps the map it shows …

android map touch coordinates tap
How to get real world coordinates (x, y, z) from a distinct object using a Kinect

I have to get the real world coordinates (x, y, z) using Kinect. Actually, I want the x, y, z …

coordinates kinect
GPS coordinates: 1km square around a point

I was hoping someone out there could provide me with an equation to calculate a 1km square (X from a.…

javascript math gps coordinates
Sort latitude and longitude coordinates into clockwise ordered quadrilateral

Problem Users can provide up to four latitude and longitude coordinates, in any order. They do so with Google Maps. …

javascript geometry coordinates grahams-scan
Lat Long or Long Lat

There seems to be no standard whether Longitude,Latitude or Latitude,Longitude should be used. WSG84 and stuff based directly …

gps coordinates standards
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java?

Is there a way for me to get the X and Y values of a window in java? I read …

java runtime coordinates jna awtrobot
MotionEvent GetY() and getX() return incorrect values

I have following situation: I have a custom ListView with ImageView and TextView in a row. The ImageView has an …

android coordinates motion
How to determine if a point is within a quadrilateral

Goal I want to determine if a test point is within a defined quadrilateral. I'm probably going to implement the …

math geometry coordinates
How do I calculate the distance between two points of latitude and longitude?

i have latitude and longitude of particular place and i want to calculate the distance so how can i calculate …

iphone math map coordinates latitude-longitude
How to get screen cordinates corresponding to the whole screen, and not the View touched?

Im having some trouble obtaining the real (x,y) from my screen by handling the touch events of one View …

android screen coordinates android-view