Refers to a sequence of numbers used to indicate the position of an object relative to an axis.
In android(java) when you get the current latitude and longitude using the function getlatitude() etc you get the coordinates …
android gps formatting coordinatesI am having problems implementing the function described here here. This is my Java implementation: private static double[] pointRadialDistance(double …
algorithm gps coordinates bearingI have $latitude = 29.6815400 and $longitude = 64.3647100, now in MySQL I would like to take the 15 nearest places to these coordinates and …
php mysql sql range coordinatesHow can I convert a String address to CLLocation coordinates with Swift? I have no code yet, I looked for …
ios swift coordinates core-locationI'm currently designing a website and just realized it would help me a lot if I would know my own …
html firefox firebug coordinates mouse-coordinatesI need Three.js code to convert 3D object coordinates to 2d ones in a 'div' element so that I …
3d three.js 2d coordinatesCan you help me to convert lla to xyz coordnates. I am using earthRadius = 6378.137; var x = earthRadius * Math.cos(lat)*…
coordinates wgs84I have location points collected from a garmin device stored in an excel sheet in Degree Minutes format --- W00208.172,…
excel gps coordinates degrees garminI'm currently working on implementing an OpenGL powered renderer into a 2D game engine. Because the OpenGL screen coordinate space …
opengl screen coordinates transformationI have two GPS Coordinates e.g. (Lat1, Long1) and (Lat2,Long2) Could anybody please help me find the angle …
gps coordinates latitude-longitude angle