Top "Coordinates" questions

Refers to a sequence of numbers used to indicate the position of an object relative to an axis.

Sorting list of two-dimensional coordinates by clockwise angle using Python?

I have a set of points with x and y coordinates that can be seen in the figure below. The …

python list sorting coordinates angle
onTouchListener for entire screen

I have a screen filled with buttons, but want the onTouch-method to use the entire screen's coordinates. I first tried …

android view coordinates ontouchlistener
Generating triangular/hexagonal coordinates (xyz)

I'm trying to come up with an iterative function that generates xyz coordinates for a hexagonal grid. With a starting …

math coordinates vector coordinate-systems hexagonal-tiles
Determine if one coordinate is in radius of another

Let's say I have a Table of rows that contain coordinates. What would be the best way to pull only …

sql coordinates latitude-longitude
Bearing between two points

Ive been using the geopy package , which does a great job, however some of the results i get are inconsistant …

python gps coordinates bearing geopy
Android Google Maps: How to get the area which is currently shown in screen device?

Is there a way to get the coordinates of the current area, which is shown at the device? Background is, …

android google-maps coordinates
Get Y coordinate of top and bottom of ImageView

I have an image view which is contained within a relative layout. I am trying to get the screen y …

android coordinates translation android-sensors
Driving distance between two coordinates

I have a long list of locations in excel format and I need to calculate driving distance between these locations …

macros coordinates driving-distance
How can I get the frame of a table view cell in the coordinate space of the table view?

I have a table view with a bunch of cells in it. I want to get the frame of a …

ios swift uitableview coordinates
How to find the nearest points to given coordinates with MATLAB?

I need to solve a minimization problem with Matlab and I'm wondering which is the easiest solution. All the potential …

matlab coordinates trigonometry closest minimization