Top "Closest" questions

Closest is being the nearest to a number, object, quantity etc.

Using a class name in jQuery's .closest()

I'm attempting to do some calculations for a "running total", this is my code: $('.quantity_input').live('change',function(){ …

jquery class math closest
jQuery: find input field closest to button

I have a large HTML form with multiple input fields (one in each row). Among these I have several fields …

jquery html closest form-fields
How to get a value of the closest td with class on button click?

I have table rows with data and buttons. Each button corresponds to each row, …

javascript jquery html-table closest
Get the ID of a form?

I'm using the following code to attach an event to the submit button of a form : $('form.manage-users-form').on('click',…

jquery closest
JQuery: Closest div that has an ID

How would you write the Jquery to get the closest div that actually has an ID defined?

jquery closest
jQuery closest(); not working

I am trying to do make some text show when a text input is on focus, but the closest(); method …

jquery traversal closest
How do I find values close to a given value?

I have data = [1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8] I want to find closest values before and after from data for this point, b = 1.23 How do …

matlab closest
jQuery data attribute selector for closest parent

My code have data attribute set for many elements (Not For All Elements) in below manner. <div id='dvStorage' …

javascript jquery closest
How to get value of nearest input Jquery

I have multiple buttons on my page with the same class. When I click on a button I want to …

jquery closest
jQuery closest TR selection

Hope someone can advise. Having issues trying to remove a row once a link has been clicked. HTML <table&…

jquery jquery-selectors closest