Top "Closest" questions

Closest is being the nearest to a number, object, quantity etc.

jQuery closest();

I'm trying to animate an image which is partly hidden (via overflow: hidden) inside a list item. I want this …

jquery css jquery-animate closest
jquery add class on input click and remove class when click other input

I need to add a class to the input wrapper when I click on input, and remove the class when …

javascript jquery find toggleclass closest
jquery parents/closest not working

I have a link which posts some data to a controller. It is working fine and updates the data. But …

jquery parent closest
How would I go about finding the closest date to a specified date? (Java)

I was hoping to know how I would type up a method to give me the closest date to a …

java date methods closest
jquery: closest('h3') selector?

i have: <ul class="rating"> <h3>Like this</h3> <li class="rating-number"> &…

jquery jquery-selectors closest
How to find the nearest points to given coordinates with MATLAB?

I need to solve a minimization problem with Matlab and I'm wondering which is the easiest solution. All the potential …

matlab coordinates trigonometry closest minimization
find closest class

I want to find a closest class of the given object. My markup looks like this: <div class="table_…

javascript jquery closest
Select specific closest element

I have the following html : <table id="objects"> <tr> <td> <input type="text" …

jquery jquery-selectors closest
Find the closest value in a matrix matlab

How can I find the closest element in a matrix in matlab? Suppose I have a matrix of the size 300…

matlab matrix closest
using jquery, how would i find the closest match in an array, to a specified number

using jquery, how would i find the closest match in an array, to a specified number For example, you've got …

jquery arrays math rounding closest