Top "Console-application" questions

A console application is a computer program designed to be used via a text-only computer interface, such as a text terminal, the command line interface of some operating systems (Unix, DOS, etc.

How to programmatic disable C# Console Application's Quick Edit mode?

I,ve tried several solutions found, like the one -> But, …

c# console-application
Symfony 2 Logging exceptions in console

Why errors from console tasks are not logged. For example Exception on php warning: [ErrorException] Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/…

php logging symfony console-application error-logging
How do I set the position of the mouse cursor from a Console app in C#?

I've found many articles on how to set the mouse position in a C# windows forms project - I want …

c# console-application cursor-position mouse-position
Rendering RDLC to pdf output console application

I have referred some articles in this website for Rendering .rdlc to .pdf output using console application.Am new to …

c# reporting-services console-application rdlc rdl
.Net core 2.0 console app as a windows service

I am trying to set up a .Net Core Console application as a service. Using .Net standard I usually make …

c# console-application .net-core-2.0
Why does Console.Out.WriteLine exist?

Actually the question should be why does Console.WriteLine exist just to be a wrapper for Console.Out.WriteLine I …

c# .net windows console-application reflector
How to call event before Environment.Exit()?

I have a console application in C#. If something goes wrong, I call Environment.Exit() to close my application. I …

c# .net console-application application-shutdown
How Define Counter Inside Parallel.Foreach And Stop That Loop In A Specific Number

How Can I Define Counter Inside Parallel.Foreach And Stop That Loot In A Specific Number? I asked this Question …

c# .net-4.0 console-application parallel.foreach
Coinitialize has not been called error message

I am in the process of coding a console application that will create a firewall exception for my main app …

delphi delphi-xe2 console-application windows-firewall