Top ".net-core-2.0" questions

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Error NU1605 Detected package downgrade

I am experiencing the following NU1605 dependency errors in my netcoreapp2.0 console application: NU1605 Detected package downgrade: System.Diagnostics.Debug …

.net visual-studio-2017 .net-core nuget .net-core-2.0
Error message "CS5001 Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point"

Unable to execute the following code error CS5001 Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry …

c# console visual-studio-2017 console-application .net-core-2.0
How to manually parse a JSON string in net-core 2.0

I have a json string with the following structure { "resource": "user", "method": "create", "fields": { "name": "John", "surname: "Smith", "email": "john@…

c# json .net-core .net-core-2.0
C# Add Accept header to HttpClient

What is the difference between these two calls? My end goal is to have Accept: application/json sent over the …

c# httpclient dotnet-httpclient .net-core-2.0 http-accept-header
ASP.NET Core 2 Seed Database

I've seen some of the similar examples on SO regarding this but I don't know enough about the language just …

c# .net .net-core-2.0
Project 'ClassLibrary1.csproj' targets 'netcoreapp2.1'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2'

I have two class library project with the following setting: ClassLibrary1 --> Target framework-->.NET Core 2.1 ClassLibrary2 --&…

c# .net .net-core-2.0
LocalDB is not supported on this Platform

I'm trying to launch .Net Core 2.0 application on Ubuntu 17.04. I developed it on Windows 10 before and it works well. The …

c# database entity-framework .net-core .net-core-2.0
.NET Core 2.0 missing from my Visual Studio

So I've installed the official .NET Core 2.0 SDK and when I'm in Visual Studio i get heaps of errors and …

.net visual-studio .net-core .net-core-2.0
How to include a library in .NET Core 2.0

I don't know much about .NET yet, so I guess I'm missing something obvious. I created a library (targeted as …

c# .net .net-core .net-core-2.0
Configuration for console apps .net Core 2.0

In .net Core 1 we could do this: IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true, true) .Build(); And that gave …

c# .net-core .net-core-2.0