Top "Parallel.foreach" questions


How can I convert this foreach code to Parallel.ForEach?

I am a bit of confused about Parallel.ForEach. What is Parallel.ForEach and what does it exactly do? Please …

c# multithreading .net-4.0 parallel.foreach
How can I limit Parallel.ForEach?

I have a Parallel.ForEach() async loop with which I download some webpages. My bandwidth is limited so I can …

c# .net asynchronous parallel.foreach
Nesting await in Parallel.ForEach

In a metro app, I need to execute a number of WCF calls. There are a significant number of calls …

c# wcf async-await task-parallel-library parallel.foreach
Parallel foreach with asynchronous lambda

I would like to handle a collection in parallel, but I'm having trouble implementing it and I'm therefore hoping for …

c# async-await task-parallel-library parallel.foreach
Parallel.ForEach vs Task.Run and Task.WhenAll

What are the differences between using Parallel.ForEach or Task.Run() to start a set of tasks asynchronously? Version 1: List&…

c# async-await parallel.foreach
Parallel.ForEach() vs. foreach(IEnumerable<T>.AsParallel())

Erg, I'm trying to find these two methods in the BCL using Reflector, but can't locate them. What's the difference …

c# .net multithreading parallel-processing parallel.foreach
What does MaxDegreeOfParallelism do?

I am using Parallel.ForEach and I am doing some database updates, now without setting MaxDegreeOfParallelism , a dual core processor …

c# .net-4.0 task-parallel-library parallel-extensions parallel.foreach
Break parallel.foreach?

How do I break out of an parallel.for loop? I have a pretty complex statement which looks like the …

c# multithreading parallel-processing parallel.foreach
How do I collect return values from Parallel.ForEach?

I'm calling a slow webservice in parallel. Things were great until I realized I need to get some information back …

c# c#-4.0 parallel.foreach
Parallel.ForEach and async-await

I had such method: public async Task<MyResult> GetResult() { MyResult result = new MyResult(); foreach(var method in Methods) { …

c# async-await task-parallel-library parallel.foreach