Top "Application-shutdown" questions

A graceful termination of the application, either in response to some input or by internal logic.

How to fix "Google Chrome did not shutdown properly" in Windows 8.1

When shutting down Windows 8.1, Google Chrome produces the error message "Google Chrome did not shutdown properly". How can I get …

google-chrome windows-8.1 application-shutdown system-shutdown
Shutting down a WPF application from App.xaml.cs

I am currently writing a WPF application which does command-line argument handling in App.xaml.cs (which is necessary because …

c# wpf application-shutdown
How to restart an application completely?

I have an application which starts a Remote Service in its first launched activity. Then, in another activity, the user …

android android-activity application-restart application-shutdown
How to properly shutdown log4j2

If one is not running inside a web application, what is the proper way to shutdown Log4j2? I only …

java logging log4j log4j2 application-shutdown
How to log within shutdown hooks with Log4j2?

Log4j2 also uses shutdown hooks to end it's services. But of course I want to log throughout the whole …

java logging log4j2 application-shutdown
WPF application is not closing correctly

I am calling Application.Current.Shutdown() from a class that is bound to xaml windows with ObjectDataProvider, but the application …

wpf shutdown application-shutdown
Application.Current.Shutdown() doesn't

Title's about it. WPF app with some WCF stuff for IPC. I call Application.Current.Shutdown() and the app continues …

wpf application-shutdown
How to call event before Environment.Exit()?

I have a console application in C#. If something goes wrong, I call Environment.Exit() to close my application. I …

c# .net console-application application-shutdown
Windows shutdown hook on java application run from a bat script

I have a bat script which runs a java application. If I press ctrl+c on it, it the application …

java windows batch-file application-shutdown shutdown-hook
How to save variables after application shut down?

I want to save some integers after application shut down and restore them after application opening, what is the easiest …

iphone xcode variables save application-shutdown