Top "Application-restart" questions

Questions based on restarting programs in various programming languages belong in this tag.

How can I restart a Java application?

How can I restart a Java AWT application? I have a button to which I have attached an event handler. …

java restart application-restart
Restart an application by itself

I want to build my application with the function to restart itself. I found on codeproject ProcessStartInfo Info=new ProcessStartInfo(); …

c# .net windows batch-file application-restart
Force iphone app to restart programmatically?

I am trying to get my iPhone app to restart programmatically when the Logout button is pressed. Has anyone got …

iphone objective-c ios4 application-restart
Can you modify the web.config and NOT restart the ASP.NET application?

Possible Duplicate: How to prevent an ASP.NET application restarting when the web.config is modified? Was just thinking about … web-config appdomain application-pool application-restart
Is it possible to restart a program from inside a program?

I am developing a C++ program and it would be useful to use some function, script or something that makes …

c++ application-restart
How to make your java application restarts itself

I want to implement reset feature in my application which cleans up some directories, copies files etc. then in order …

java application-restart
How to restart a JavaFX application when a button is clicked

I went through almost every post here regarding the matter but most of them doesn't explain what to do properly. …

java javafx restart application-restart
how to restart my own qt application?

i just asking myself how to restart my own qt application? Can somebody please show me an example?

c++ qt qt4 application-restart
Can I use main() to restart my application?

I am researching a way to restart my java application by clicking a button on the GUI. I searched the …

java application-restart
Does any change in any file inside bin folder cause application recycle in ASP.NET web application?

I know that in ASP.NET web application, changing a DLL file located in the bin folder causes an application … web-applications bin application-restart