Top "Rdl" questions

Report Definition Language (RDL) is a standard proposed by Microsoft for defining reports.

When to use RDLC over RDL reports?

I have been studying SSRS 2005 / 2008 in the past weeks and have created some server side reports. For some application, a …

reporting-services rdlc rdl
Where does a published RDL file sit?

When publishing a reporting services report. Where does the actual .RDL file sit on the server? I can redownload the .…

reporting-services reporting rdl
SSRS tablix Merging cells vertically problem

I found the colspan and rowspan property defined in TablixCell,but in report Designer still can't vertical merge cells,if …

reporting-services reportviewer rdlc rdl
The Report Viewer Web Control requires a System.Web.UI.ScriptManager on the web form

I have tried to call a .rdl report created in SSRS to be called in an aspx page; but I …

.net reporting-services rdl
SSRS - OutOf MemoryException - is there a limit to the number of rows that can be displayed

I have created an rdl doc that points at a proc that returns 90 000 rows and I am getting an out …

reporting-services matrix max rows rdl
How can I execute an .rdl report with a Report Viewer control without an SSRS server?

I'm trying to set up a web page where users can select an .rdl file to run, and it will …

c# reporting-services rdl
How can I "specify a dataset aggregate" in this SSRS Expression?

I need a row value in my SSRS report that is a calculated one based on a couple of fields …

reporting-services vbscript bids rdl aggregates
SQL Reporting Services 2005 - How to get current date as a ReportParameter

I have some working reports that must be deployed on SSRS. One more customization that I want to be added …

sql-server-2005 reporting-services rdl
ssrs rdl text box expression concatenation string and field

I have several ssrs rdl reports where I am trying to concatenate text then a data set field then text …

reporting-services concatenation rdl
Editing RDL files with Visual Studio 2008

I have installed SQL Server 2008 Express on two workstations. On one workstation, it has updated the VS2008 installation so that …

visual-studio-2008 reporting-services rdl