Combobox allows to select one option out of several (similar to a dropdownlist), or to type a custom option.
When I create the Combobox, it has no items in the list. Now when I click on the dropdown button …
combobox tkinter python-3.3 ttkThis is my model for my combo Ext.define('ExtJS.myApp.ComboModel', { extend: '', alias: 'widget.combomodel', fields: [ { …
combobox extjs4.1 setvalueI have a question regarding how to elegantly override an arbitrary element deep inside a control's visual tree. I also …
wpf templates combobox styles controltemplate[Edit]: I figured out how to do this on my own. I posted my solution in the hope that it …
wpf binding user-controls comboboxDoes anyone know of a way to disable the mouse scroll wheel when a control such as a combobox or … combobox scroll mousewheel .net-3.0I want to adding checked item from checkedlistbox to my combobox, but i have a little problem here. Combobox only … combobox checkedlistboxI am creating an application, where I can add a customer's first name, last name, email, the date, service type (…
c# mysql combobox sqldataadapterPersonVM.cs public class MainWindowVM { public MainWindowVM() { PersonList = new ObservableCollection<Person>(Employees); } private Person[] Employees = new Person[] { new …
c# wpf data-binding combobox itemtemplateI'm trying to create a very simple CRUD WPF application. I have a datagrid with 2 columns, ID, and Category. For …
wpf datagrid combobox datagridtemplatecolumn itemsourceI have a ComboBox which I need to use in several places in my application, so I set most of …
c# wpf xaml combobox resourcedictionary