Top "Extjs4.1" questions

The April 2012 release of the popular JavaScript framework Ext JS.

ExtJS 4 “renderer” column on grid

I've a grid that should execute a renderer on a column, but that don't show anything and neither recoignise record. …

extjs extjs4.1
Extjs - Get rowIndex of a selected row

I have been seleted a row, and now i want get rowIndex maybe like grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0].rowIndex but it's …

extjs grid extjs4 extjs4.1
Best practice for overriding classes / properties in ExtJS?

I have an Ext.form.field.Text and I want to override the setValue function. What is the recommended way …

extjs extjs4 overriding extjs4.1
Ext 4.1.1: Add new record to Store

I would like to add records after the initialization of a store. I tried loadData(), loadRawData(), add() but nothing seams …

extjs combobox store extjs4.1
How to send extra parameters when loading a store to a combobox in ExtJS 4?

How do I send extra parameters when using a store for a combobox in ExtJS 4? I know that I can …

javascript extjs extjs4 extjs4.1 extjs4.2
to initComponent() or not to initComponent()

I struggle when building an app in ExtJS 4, and part of that is confusion on when to configure something in …

extjs extjs4 extjs4.1
Ext.button click() method

ExtJS 4.1. Is there something like; method on Ext.button class? Is it possible to programmically "click" a …

extjs extjs4.1
How to align elements in a toolbar to left, middle, right

How can I have the three regions left, middle, right within a toolbar? I know that I can use -&…

extjs extjs4 extjs4.1 extjs-mvc
ExtJs - Get element by div class?

How do I get the ExtJs component object of a Div by class name? Say my div is: <div …

extjs extjs4.1
Extjs - How to show combobox in Grid column

I have a gridpanel include date and combo column jsfiddle But I don't want click to show my combo. I …

extjs combobox grid extjs4.1