Top "Combobox" questions

Combobox allows to select one option out of several (similar to a dropdownlist), or to type a custom option.

WPF ComboBox SelectedItem - change to previous value

I have a ComboBox that has the SelectedItem bound to the ViewModel. <ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding SelItem, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{…

wpf combobox selecteditem
Create DataGridTemplateColumn Through C# Code

I have a dynamic Datagrid that I have created. I am creating each column for it through code behind. I …

c# wpf datagrid combobox textblock
How do I Change comboBox.Text inside a comboBox.SelectedIndexChanged event?

Code example: private void comboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(some condition) { comboBox.Text = "new string" } } My problem is …

c# combobox selectedindexchanged
If combobox selected then show

I have to load a form and in this form I want to hide certain labels and text-boxes. In addition …

c# combobox selectedindexchanged
Get the SelectedItem of DataGridViewComboBoxCell VB.NET

Very good afternoon to all, The problem I have now is that I can not get the value selected as … datagridview combobox datagridviewcomboboxcell
How to make a ttk.Combobox callback

I was wondering if there was a way to invoke a call back from a ttk.Combobox when the user …

python combobox tkinter ttk
How to put ComboBoxTableCell in a TableView?

I'm trying to put a ComboBox in a table cell, but I can't. the code is the next: private void …

combobox javafx tableview tablecell
Flex custom item renderer for the displayed item in the combobox

I am using a custom item renderer in a combobox to display a custom drawing instead of the default text …

apache-flex actionscript-3 combobox mxml itemrenderer
How to set maxlength for combobox in WPF?

How do i set maxlength to combobox, which is having a style applied to it. Thanks

wpf combobox maxlength
How do I create a Flat combo box using WPF?

Hi I want to create a flat combo box with wpf. Acctually I have already done it but when the …

c# wpf combobox flat