Top "Combobox" questions

Combobox allows to select one option out of several (similar to a dropdownlist), or to type a custom option.

Delphi get android combobox selected item text

I have a combobox that has a lot of items inside and I have to get into a variable the …

android delphi combobox delphi-xe5
Set IsEnabled Property of ComboBox Based on SelectedItem

I want to enable/disable a ComboBox based on if there is an item selected in another ComboBox. I was …

c# wpf combobox datatrigger isenabled
Displaying FontFamily in Combobox

My goal is to manipulate the text-styles of my application via DependencyProperties. I got a diagram in which the texts …

wpf combobox dependency-properties attached-properties
WPF - Combobox SelectedItem not getting set?

I have a ComboBox that has its ItemsSource bound to a static List<CustomSettings> of options. The ComboBox …

wpf binding combobox selecteditem itemssource
DevExpress ASPxComboBox SelectItem is null

I have an ASPxComboBox which I was able to get filtering correctly on user input. Now I want to save …

combobox devexpress selecteditem aspxcombobox
Reset combobox selected item on set using MVVM

I am using a ComboBox in my WPF application and following MVVM. There is a list of strings which I …

c# wpf mvvm combobox selecteditem
Display multiple fields in ExtJs 3.3 Combo box

I've opened up an ExtJs project that I've not had my head in for some time, and this is baffling …

javascript extjs combobox extjs3
COMBOBOX filtering in WPF with MVVM

I am developing an application using WPF mvvm approach. I have a requirement where I have to show a list …

wpf mvvm combobox itemssource
WPF ComboBox resets selected item when item-source changes

Consider the following XAML: <ComboBox Name="CompanyComboBox" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=GlobalData.Companies}" SelectedValuePath="Id" SelectedValue="{Binding Customer.…

wpf combobox selecteditem
Set default value for DataGridView ComboBox

My application consist of DataGridviewComboBoxColumn inside DataGridView. The ComboBoxColumns are getting filled from a database table (key, value pair). I …

c# winforms datagridview combobox datagridviewcomboboxcell