Top "Attached-properties" questions

In Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), attached properties are a specialized form of dependency property that does not have the conventional property "wrapper".

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF?

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF? In general first, but I would especially be interested …

c# .net wpf attached-properties
Change Canvas.Left property in code behind?

I have a rectangle in my XAML and want to change its Canvas.Left property in code behind: <UserControl …

c# wpf code-behind attached-properties
WPF Attached Property Data Binding

I try to use binding with an attached property. But can't get it working. public class Attached { public static DependencyProperty …

wpf xaml binding attached-properties
What's the difference between a dependency property and an attached property in WPF?

What's the difference between a (custom) dependency property and an attached property in WPF? What are the uses for each? …

.net wpf dependency-properties attached-properties
How exactly do Attached Properties work in WPF?

I'm a bit mystified as to how Attached Properties actually convey their values to either parent or child elements. TextElement.…

wpf xaml attached-properties
When should I use FrameworkPropertyMetadata or UIPropertyMetadata over plain PropertyMetadata?

When looking at sample attached properties and behaviors, I've seen a mishmash of uses of FrameworkPropertyMetadata, UIPropertyMetadata and PropertyMetadata. Since …

wpf attached-properties attachedbehaviors
How to use Attached property within a style?

I have created an Image within a ButtonStyle. Now I have created an Attached Property so that I can set …

.net wpf silverlight dependency-properties attached-properties
Bind Grid.Row / Grid.Column inside a DataTemplate

Hope this is not a dupe. I would like to be able to do the following in XAML: <DataTemplate …

wpf data-binding mvvm attached-properties
Template Binding with Attached Properties

I have a standard style for my buttons but I want certain parts of the style to be configurable. e.…

wpf attached-properties templatebinding