Top "Attached-properties" questions

In Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), attached properties are a specialized form of dependency property that does not have the conventional property "wrapper".

using attached events with caliburn micro Message.Attach

I'm trying to use caliburn micro message to trigger an attached event that I created: public static class DataChanging { public …

c# xaml caliburn.micro attached-properties routed-events
Displaying FontFamily in Combobox

My goal is to manipulate the text-styles of my application via DependencyProperties. I got a diagram in which the texts …

wpf combobox dependency-properties attached-properties
Updating Custom Attached Property in Style Trigger with Setter

I was trying out attached properties and style triggers hoping to learn more about it. I wrote a very simple …

c# .net wpf xaml attached-properties
Add DataBinding for attached Property per Code Behind

I want to add a DataBinding per Codebehind for an attached Property and want to show the Canvas.Left property …

c# data-binding code-behind attached-properties
The property does not exist in XML namespace

I'm currently working on enabling drag-and-drop support for our company app. The error I keep getting seems weird to me. …

wpf attached-properties
Attached Properties

I am a little confused about WPF attached properties. When you use an attached property that attached property can only …

wpf attached-properties
Attached Property Changed Event?

ist there a way to get a change notification if an attached property changed? A simple example is a Canvas …

c# wpf attached-properties
Attached property of type list

I want to create an attached property that can be used with this syntax: <Button> <Image .../> &…

wpf attached-properties
Set the binding value directly

Is it possible to set the value behind a two-way binding directly, without knowing the bound property? I have an …

wpf binding attached-properties
Reducing boilerplate code in MVVM WPF app for attached properties, commands, etc?

I'm working on a WPF MVVM application. The thing that I'm noticing is that I have to write an inordinate …

c# wpf mvvm attached-properties attachedbehaviors