Top "Routed-events" questions

a way for a windows presentation foundation (WPF) class to provide notifications to clients when some interesting thing happens to the object.

How can I raise a custom Routed Event from user control?

In my user control I have a button that, when clicked, would raise a custom Routed Event. I've attempted to …

c# wpf user-controls routed-events
RoutedEventArgs vs EventArgs

I am learning WPF / Silverlight and saw in an MS vidcast that it is now recommended to use RoutedEventArgs over …

.net wpf events routed-events
using attached events with caliburn micro Message.Attach

I'm trying to use caliburn micro message to trigger an attached event that I created: public static class DataChanging { public …

c# xaml caliburn.micro attached-properties routed-events
Custom attached events in WPF

I might be getting the terminology wrong here, but I think I'm trying to create an attached event. In the …

c# wpf events routed-events attachedbehaviors
Why e.Handled = true not working?

I have following XAML <StackPanel MouseEnter="StackPanel_MouseEnter" Height="130" Background="Blue"> <Grid MouseEnter="Grid_MouseEnter" Height="60" Background="…

c# wpf routed-events
WPF - Events on a ControlTemplate?

Does anyone know why I can't set an event on a control template?? For example, the following line of code …

wpf controltemplate routed-events
MouseDoubleClick events don't bubble

My scenario, simplified: I have a ListView containing rows of Employees, and in each Employee row, there are buttons "Increase" …

c# wpf mouseevent routed-events
Can anyone raise any RoutedEvent in WPF?

In C# events were always very protected: Only the owner of the event could trigger them. However, this seems to …

c# .net wpf routed-events
WPF MVVM Routed Events

There are a lot of discussions about M-V-VM and Command binding (RelayCommand) but not a lot has been covered on …

wpf mvvm binding routed-events