Top "Templatebinding" questions

WPF TemplateBinding vs RelativeSource TemplatedParent

What is the difference between these 2 bindings: <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}"> <Border BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding Property=Background}"&…

wpf relativesource templatebinding
Template Binding in Control template

I have the following control template. I wish to set the source property for the image control in the control …

wpf xaml data-binding controltemplate templatebinding
How to access getter/setter accessors from angular 4 in template binding?

Lets say I have the following getter/setter methods and I want to call this in the following way: <…

angular typescript getter-setter templatebinding
Can my WPF Style Setter use a TemplateBinding?

I'm trying to do something like this... <Style x:Key="MyBorderStyle" TargetType="Border"> <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{…

wpf xaml styles templatebinding
WPF ControlTemplate: How to provide a default value for TemplateBinding?

I am writing a WPF control that subclasses a Button. I then provide a default style in Themes\generic.xaml, …

wpf styles default controltemplate templatebinding
In WPF, why doesn't TemplateBinding work where Binding does?

Ok... this is leaving me scratching my head. I have two WPF controls--one's a user control and the other's a …

wpf binding controltemplate propertychanged templatebinding
Template Binding with Attached Properties

I have a standard style for my buttons but I want certain parts of the style to be configurable. e.…

wpf attached-properties templatebinding
How to use template binding inside data template in custom control (Silverlight)

I am trying to create control which will take ItemsSource and InnerTemplate and will show all the items wrapped in …

silverlight datatemplate templatebinding
WPF button style and template

So i have the button and its style: <Style TargetType="Button" x:Key="BaseButtonStyle"> <Setter Property="FontWeight" …

c# wpf xaml templatebinding
How is TemplateBinding working in UserControl Template?

I am new one to create UserControl and now I am trying to customize the UserControl Template as below: <…

wpf xaml user-controls controltemplate templatebinding