Top "Templatebinding" questions

TemplateBinding with Converter - what is wrong?

I'm creating a game desk. I wanted to specify field size (one field is a square) as a attached property …

wpf converter templatebinding
TemplateBinding from a Style DataTrigger In ControlTemplate

In the following XAML I'm using a Rectangle with a Border as the Template for a ToggleButton. I want the …

wpf datatrigger templatebinding control-template
WPF Custom Control: TemplateBinding to Image

I am creating a WPF custom control, a Button with an Image and Text. I have added two dependency properties …

wpf image wpf-controls controltemplate templatebinding
WPF Nested binding in a controltemplate

I have successfully created a textbox that displays / collapses an error message depending upon a validation rule set in its …

wpf templates xaml binding templatebinding