Top "Code-injection" questions

Code injection is the general term for the result of a missing neutralization or improper neutralization of special elements of externally-influenced input, which could modify the syntax or behavior of the intended code.

Inject JAXBContext into spring

I am trying to inject a JAXBContext into spring application context, by: <bean id="jaxbContext" class="javax.xml.bind.…

spring jaxb code-injection
JSF application scope instantiation and injection

Probably my question is a trivial one, but I never used an application scope bean before. I need the application …

jsf scope code-injection instantiation
Dependency injection with Spring (JSR 330 annotations) in WebSphere 7 is not working

I have an enterprise application built with Java 6, Spring Framework 3.1.2 and Mule-ESB 3.3.0, among other libraries not related to this question. …

spring dependency-injection websphere code-injection jsr330
Inject javascript into a javascript function

I've got a weird question in that I need to inject some javascript into another javascript function. I am using …

javascript function code-injection
How to inject custom content via Nginx?

Is there a way to inject a few lines of script etc. for each served php/html/etc. page? For …

nginx code-injection
Guice injection null pointer

We try to refactoring a project with Guice. The idea is to bind all the Language interface to a concreate …

java nullpointerexception guice code-injection
AspectJ pointcut on constructor object

I need to inject few methods to every initialized object using AspectJ. I thought using this : pointcut vistaInjection(Object o) : …

java aop aspectj code-injection pointcut
How to define a map property in a separate XML file (in Spring)?

Suppose a project uses Spring and defines it's beans within XMLs ? And it has some bean that accepts a Map …

spring code-injection
Does Spring @Autowired inject beans by name or by type?

I am reading beginning spring (wiley press) book. In chapter 2 there is an example about Java configuration and @Autowired. It …

java spring configuration code-injection autowired
How to hook external process with SetWindowsHookEx and WH_KEYBOARD

I am trying to hook for example Notepad without sucess. Making a global hook seems to work fine. Testing on …

windows winapi dll code-injection keyboard-hook